Tuesday, November 14, 2017

1979 Profile: Chuck Knox

Head Coach
"Went to Buffalo- anything to get away from the late Carroll Rosenbloom. Knox produced five divisional titles in five years in Los Angeles but never made the Super Bowl, which turned off Rosenbloom.
A deal was arranged where Knox would get a promotion in Buffalo- football coach AND vice-president in charge of football operations. In other words, he runs the whole show. He didn't do too badly in his first year,  winning five games, or exactly the amount Buffalo had won over the previous two seasons.
The 47-year-old Knox didn't do too badly at the draft table, either, getting running back Terry Miller and defensive tackle Dee Hardison, now starters. With a slew of picks from the 49ers for O.J. Simpson, he should fatten the Bills' roster with talent.
Knox is a great organizer and teacher, a no-nonsense type whose only rap has been conservativeness."

-Dave Newhouse, The Complete Handbook of Pro Football, 1979 Edition

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